5 travel strategies that each caravan owner should know


A caravan can be a fabulous and economical way to travel, but it is important to properly maintain your vehicle. Here are some tips for maintaining it.

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1. Park on a free parking lot

Do not get yourself every night by the parking fees of the campsites – it really is necessary to stop at a campsite when you need to throw away your garbage or make reserves of water.

  • On nights when you do not need connection, some large areas will allow you to stay on their parking free.
  • In general, churches also allow caravans to park on their land, as long as you leave when the service resumes in the morning.

Make sure your motorized is not a heavyweight

Many caravan manufacturers are building motorhomes that are dangerously close to maximum capacity. In other words, each caravan is delivered with a maximum weight of the whole structure, so if it is already close to this weight and without you being able to add your family of four or fill the tank, Water – attention! Far too many buyers and tenants forget this crucial information.


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2. Watch out for water damage

Even if the caravan seems intact, drop it at a dealer for a check.

  • The main element to be monitored is the infiltration of water through the roof that would have deposited between the partitions. The water behind the partitions will cause the rotting of the wood, which leads to big expenses and worries.
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3. Be ruthless with rodents

Rodents enter your caravan through access slots for connecting cables or pipes.

  • To keep these creatures out, wrap the cable or hose with a bit of steel wool before plugging it in, making sure the material fills the empty space. Mice trying to enter your vehicle will turn back.
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4. Do you hate insects?

Caravan drivers visiting the southeastern United States know the problem of insects. These creatures seem to be going straight on the highways, and then crashing onto the front surfaces of your vehicle. And to top it off, the acid of their crushed organs gnaws at the paint.

  • The solution: Apply a light coat of baby oil to the vulnerable surfaces of your motorized. When you stop for the night, your “collection” of insects will be easy to rinse.
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5. Secure the perimeter

Purchase an insecticide spray bottle in a store and keep it in your caravan.

  • As you climb your camp, spray the spray where insects can get to your vehicles – such as stabilizer jacks and tires.

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