What To Do In The Island Of Sal, Cape Verde? 5 Tips And Excursions

Island Of Sal

The first question that is asked when I talk about my trip to Cape Verde and, in particular, the island of Sal is, “but beyond the sea, what is there on the island?” This article is just for those who seek an answer to this question.

 Island Of Sal
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1 – Enjoy the sea and long beaches

We start with the most obvious point, and one that makes famous this beautiful Island: the sea. I find it hard to explain – in words – the beauty of its color, its colors. An infinite number of shades from light blue to dark green limpid turn interspersed with stretches of complete transparency that probably can perceive just looking at the photos.

I can tell you, having visited all the coast of the Island of Sal, the area that has the most beautiful sea is located in the far south, Santa Maria. And the same goes for the beaches. This is the reason why the largest island resort and hotels are located there.

2 – Do the island tour

What you choose to do it in half a day or in a “full day”, make sure you do not go off the Island of Sal before you have had this experience.

Starting from the south of the island, the Murdeira Bay is the first stage doing all guided tours. The view of the Monte Leone sarà just the beginning of an endless array of sights to see during the tour. After yet Espargos, Palmeira, Burracona, the Desert Terra Boa, the Salina Pedra do Lume and Shark Bay that if you (s) lucky, give you the opportunity to admire sharks-lemon a few meters from you.

3 – Do the tour in quod

A unique experience that I would recommend to anyone. I made the rounds in the desert lasting 3 hours. Two professional guides that pointed the way over to explain all the peculiarities of place accompanied me. Starting from the east of the island meets the Igrejinha beach, venue site, then get to the salt marshes of Santa Maria and the beautiful Kite Beach, the beach where – aided by the wind – they train all enthusiasts kite surfing.

Continuing, you cross the Desert Green Straw, the Calheta Fonda (a pretty bay where turtles lay their eggs from July to September) until you arrive at Ponta Preta, a wonderful beach that charms at any time of day.

4 – A few hours to relax Salina “Pedra do Lume”

The famous Salina is located on the east coast of the island of Sal and being inside an ancient volcanic crater, appears as a mysterious landscape and, at times, fantastic. The aridity of the earth and the salt splendor melted by the sun, make this place unique in its kind.

5 – Afternoon in catamaran

For lovers of the sea and nature this short 3-hour cruise will be a real fun. We embark at the port of Palmeira in a big white catamaran, skirting the coast Murderia and stop for a dive in the open sea. Along the way, the organizers provide drinks, snacks and a hearty appetizer.

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